What we do
Our functions
We provide medical and pharmaceutical aid in Humla, the far north-west region from Nepal.
The team picked by Marc consists of a nurse, a pharmacist, an administrant, and a maintenance and storage assistant. All of them are based in Humla.
The medical aid is free. As per the medication, if the patients are able to afford it, they are asked to pay up to 60% of the cost. If they cannot assume the costs, the medication is offered free of charge. On average, around 40 people are treated per day.
We are an important addition to the precarious public hospital of the area. We also aid and collaborate with the Health Posts (nursing units) from the region, which are poorly equipped.
The project
One of the main goals of the project is to build a medical assistance center, equipped with an analytical laboratory, diagnosis equipment, and X-ray.
We were granted the administrative permit in September 2021.

Visit from Carles Martí, a member from Barcelona, on March 2022.

Medical center and pharmacy.

Marc visiting a patient.

Marc visiting a patient.
Health Us Nepal presentation.